Literacy, Numeracy, Science

Subjects covered:





  • Read aloud a story about going back to school
  • Discuss the story and ask questions to encourage comprehension
  • Engage in shared writing activity to create a class story about their first day of school
  • Picture books about going back to school
  • Chart paper and markers
  • Pencils and paper for students

Provide visual supports for students with additional needs

Encourage peer collaboration during shared writing activity


  • Count and sort school supplies such as pencils, erasers, and crayons
  • Practice writing numbers and counting objects
  • Explore patterns using colored blocks or stickers
  • School supplies for counting and sorting
  • Whiteboards and markers for writing numbers
  • Colored blocks or stickers for pattern exploration

Provide manipulatives or visuals for students who may struggle with counting

Offer challenge questions or additional patterns for students who are more advanced


  • Explore the five senses by discussing how they are used at school
  • Investigate different materials used in school supplies and their properties
  • Observe and discuss the life cycle of a plant, focusing on growing a class plant
  • Picture cards or objects representing the five senses
  • Various school supplies made of different materials
  • Seeds, soil, and plant pots for growing a plant

Provide visual supports for students who may need extra assistance in understanding the five senses

Offer additional opportunities for hands-on exploration and experimentation for more advanced students

Arts Subjects

Subjects covered:




Visual Arts

  • Create self-portraits using various art materials
  • Make collages using magazine cutouts
  • Paint pictures of the classroom
  • Art materials (paper, crayons, paints, glue, magazines)
  • Photographs of the classroom
  • Provide different types of art materials for students with varying abilities
  • Offer support and guidance as needed


  • Role-play different school scenarios
  • Act out a first day of school skit
  • Props and costumes (e.g., school supplies, backpacks, uniforms)
  • Picture cards with school-related scenes
  • Provide visual supports for students who may need extra assistance
  • Encourage all students to participate at their own comfort level


  • Sing songs about going back to school
  • Learn and perform a simple school-themed dance
  • Recordings of school-themed songs
  • Simple dance routine instructions
  • Provide visual aids (lyrics, pictures) for students who may need extra support
  • Offer alternative ways of participating (e.g., clapping, moving hands) for students with physical challenges

Physical Education

  • Play "Simon Says" with school-related actions
  • Set up an obstacle course mimicking a schoolyard
  • Practice throwing and catching a ball
  • Open space for movement activities
  • Cones, hula hoops, and other equipment for the obstacle course
  • Balls for throwing and catching
  • Modify activities to suit individual abilities (e.g., slower pace, smaller obstacles)
  • Provide additional support and guidance for students who require it

English (Language)

  • Read and discuss books about starting school
  • Write and illustrate a "My First Day of School" story
  • Practice tracing and writing letters related to school
  • Books about starting school
  • Blank books for creating stories
  • Letter tracing worksheets
  • Provide visual supports (pictures, labels) for students who may need extra help with reading
  • Offer individual assistance during writing and tracing activities

Station Ideas

Back to School Stations:

  • Station 1: Name Tag Creation
  • Station 2: Pencil Sharpening
  • Station 3: Book Sorting
  • Station 4: Backpack Decorating
  • Station 5: Classroom Library Exploration
  • Station 6: Playdough Letters
  • Station 7: Number Puzzles
  • Station 8: Art Corner
  • Station 9: Sensory Bin
  • Station 10: Storytelling Circle

Story Time

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved playing with his toys, going to the park, and having fun with his friends. But one day, Timmy's mom told him some exciting news.

"Timmy, guess what? It's time to go back to school!" his mom said with a smile.

Timmy's eyes widened with surprise. He had never been to school before, and he didn't know what to expect. But his mom assured him that he would have a great time.

The next morning, Timmy put on his new school uniform and carried his backpack filled with crayons, pencils, and his favorite teddy bear. He walked hand in hand with his mom to the big school building.

As Timmy entered the classroom, he saw other children his age sitting at their desks. They all looked a little nervous, just like him. But their teacher, Miss Lily, had a warm smile that made Timmy feel better.

"Good morning, class!" Miss Lily said cheerfully. "Welcome to our new school year. I'm so glad to see all of you."

The children greeted Miss Lily with a chorus of "Good morning!"

In the classroom, there were colorful posters on the walls and shelves filled with books and toys. Timmy's eyes twinkled with excitement.

Miss Lily began the day by teaching the children a fun song about the alphabet. They sang and danced along, learning the letters and their sounds. Timmy loved the song so much that he couldn't stop smiling.

After the song, Miss Lily read a story about a little bear who went on an adventure. Timmy listened intently, imagining himself as the brave little bear.

Then it was time for recess. Timmy and his new friends ran outside to the playground, where there were swings, slides, and a big sandbox. They laughed and played together, making sandcastles and going down the slide over and over again.

When recess was over, the children went back to the classroom for more learning. They practiced counting with colorful blocks, painted beautiful pictures, and even had a snack time where they shared their favorite snacks.

The day went by quickly, and before Timmy knew it, it was time to go home. He packed up his backpack and said goodbye to Miss Lily and his friends.

As Timmy walked out of the school building, he couldn't help but feel excited for tomorrow. He had learned so many new things and made so many new friends. School was a wonderful place!

From that day on, Timmy looked forward to going to school every morning. He learned new things, played with his friends, and had lots of fun.

And so, Timmy's adventure in school began, and he knew that he had a whole year of exciting learning ahead of him.